Working with IndexedDB


In this article, we will see how we can use IndexedDB which is a browser-based database with a library called IDBWrapper to ease the use of indexedDB and abstract away the differences between the existing implementations in Chrome, Firefox, and IE10.

What's an IndexedDB

According to MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)

IndexedDB is an API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data and for high performance searches on this data using indexes.

Basically, its a set of "object stores". An object store is just a mechanism for storing data in a database. The stores are like a table in SQL database. You can have as many databases as you like, and as many stores(or tables) within each database. Unlike the LocalStorage, which is based on named key/value pairs, IndexedDB supports the storage of structured data.

The biggest advantage of IndexedDB is that it provides good search performance since data can be indexed according to search keys.

What's IDBWrapper

The API that IndexedDB provides is quite complex. To overcome this complexity, IDBWrapper, which is an excellent library, provides a wrapper for IndexedDB which is easier to use. According to the library:

IDBWrapper is a cross-browser wrapper for the HTML5 IndexedDB API. While this API is the future of offline storage, it is not very intuitive to use. IDBWrapper is there to provide easy access to IndexedDB's features.

How to use IDBWrapper

Let's build a small todo application using IDBWrapper. First create a html file. we’ll call it todo.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
<title>Simple Todo List using IDBWrappper</title>
body { margin-top: 50px; }
th { text-align: left; padding: 8px 8px 8px 0; }
td { border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD; padding: 8px 8px 8px 0; }
#container { margin: auto; width: 900px; }
<div id="container">
<input type="text" id="title" placeholder="Enter Title" />
<input type="text" id="description" placeholder="Enter Description" />
<input type="button" id="saveTodo" value="Add Todo" />
<hr />
<h3>Your todo list</h3>
<div id="todos"></div>
<script src="idbstore.min.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>

we have two input fields for the title and description of a todo. We have a button that's going to save that todo into our IndexedDB database. Then we added two scripts file before the closing body tag. idbstore.min.js file is the IDBWrapper library. And we also include a main.js file which we'll be creating next.

Create a script file main.js:

var todos = new IDBStore({
storeName: "todos",
onStoreReady: refreshTodo

that will create a store object (table) named todos.

storeName = name of the table. in our case its "todos"
onStoreReady = when the store object is ready, it will trigger the refreshTodo() callback

Next, create the refreshTodo() function:

function refreshTodo () {

getAll method is provided by IDBWrapper, which will try to fetch all the data inside the todos table. Now if getAll operation was successful, it will receive an array of all objects and pass them to the todoList() callback:

function todoList(data) {
if(data.length) {
var table = ["<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Description</th><th>Action</th></tr>"],
k = 1;
data.forEach(function (key) {
table[k++] = '<tr><td>';
table[k++] = key.title;
table[k++] = '</td><td>';
table[k++] = key.description;
table[k++] = '</td><td>';
table[k++] = "<input type='button' value='Done' onclick='deleteTodo(" + + ")' />";
table[k++] = '</td></tr>';
table[k++] = '</table>';
document.getElementById("todos").innerHTML = table.join('');
else {
document.getElementById("todos").innerHTML = "Congratulation! You have done all the tasks.";

So, finally todoList() receives all the todos data and just displaying them on the page. Obviously, when the application first run there will be no data to display.

So now, we need to write some code for adding a todo. First attach a click event handler to the saveTodo button:

document.getElementById("saveTodo").addEventListener("click", addTodo);

Now create the addTodo() function:

function addTodo () {
var titleField = document.getElementById("title"),
descriptionField = document.getElementById("description");
var data = {
title: titleField.value,
description: descriptionField.value
if(data.title === "" || data.description === "") {
alert("Please enter valid data!");
} else {
todos.put(data, function() {
titleField.value = "";
descriptionField.value = "";

Here we just collect the title and description from the input fields and uses the IDBWrapper's put() method to save that todo into our todos table. And then after saving the data we called the refreshTodo() function that will redraw all the todos into our page. Pretty simple.

Now, you'll notice that we also put a button inside each row in our HTML table. that will call the deleteTodo() function and we also passed an id to that function. Now, you'll be wondering where that id comes from. After all, We didn’t specify anything like id. We only have a title and description. So, here is the thing, when we create a todo object and store them in our todos table, the database will automatically add a unique key named "id". So, that’s where the id came from. However, we can tell the IDBWrapper to use our custom field to use as a unique key by defining a keyPath property. See the docs for more details.

Finally, we need to create a eleteTodo() function:

function deleteTodo (id) {
todos.remove(id, refreshTodo);

Here, we receive the id and uses the remove method to remove that particular todo from the database. Then again called the refreshTodo() callback.

And that's all. We just created our very first application using IndexedDB.